Interaction History
NID Interaction Date Interaction Type Service Type Notes
108273 2025-01-30 In Person Visit Bible Study 2025 Attended Bible study on 01/30/25.
108273 2025-01-30 In Person Visit Counseling Neighbor updated her (LAS) Life Area Survey on 01/30/25. Neighbor stated that she hasn’t been able to attend bible study because she wasn’t feeling well. However, she states that she is feeling much better. Neighbor also stated that she wanted to continue working on her current goal of obtaining information concerning GED programs. Neighbor stated that she called Ms. Webster and left a message. However, neighbor stated that she has a different telephone number and she did not update her telephone to receive a callback. Neighbor contact information was update and she was provided with the contact information to Mrs. Linda Webster (NCC Director of GED services) and was informed to make contact with her once more. Neighbor identified goal is to educate herself on the NCC GED program to determine if it is a good fit for her. Neighbor will achieve this goal by calling Mrs. Linda Webster to inquire about the NCC GED program offered and following up.
108273 2025-01-24 Phone Call Care Call Neighbor did not attend bible study as scheduled. CM was informed that neighbor hasn't been feeling well. CM attempt to make a care call and CM was unsuccessful. CM could not leave a message due to no voicemail being setup. However, CM will follow up with neighbor if she attends bible study on next week.
108273 2024-12-05 Phone Call Counseling CM attempt to make a care call and CM was unsuccessful due to receiving a message stating that the telephone number on file was not in service. CM will follow up with neighbor during bible study when she attends.
108273 2024-11-21 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S bible Study on 11/21/24.
108273 2024-11-11 In Person Visit Counseling Neighbor has been making progress towards her goal of educating herself on the NCC GED program in order to determine if it is a good fit for her. On 10/31/24 neighbor stated that she called Mrs. Linda Webster and left a message inquiring about NCC GED program. However, neighbor stated that she is waiting on a callback. Neighbor LAS was also updated.
108273 2024-11-01 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended Bible study on 10/31/24.
108273 2024-10-24 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S bible Study on 10/24/24.
108273 2024-10-09 Phone Call Care Call Attempt a care call and was unsuccessful. I was also unable to leave a message. I will follow-up with neighbor during bible study if she attends.
108273 2024-10-03 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible study.
108273 2024-09-19 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2024-09-17 In Person Visit Counseling Neighbor updated her (LAS) Life Area Survey on 09/12/24. Neighbor stated that she wanted more information on how to obtain her GED. Neighbor was provided with the contact information to Mrs. Linda Webster NCC Director of GED services. Neighbor identified goal for the next 90 days is to educate herself on the NCC GED program to determine if it is a good fit for her. Neighbor will achieve this goal by calling Mrs. Linda Webster to inquire about the GED program offered.
108273 2024-09-12 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study on 9/12/24.
108273 2024-05-02 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2024-03-28 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2024-03-27 Phone Call Care Call Attempt a care call and invitation call to join NCC Easter fun day on March 29, 2024 at 11:00 am but was unsuccessful. Neighbor voicemail wasn't setup.
108273 2024-02-29 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2024-02-15 In Person Visit Bible Study attended bible study
108273 2024-02-08 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2023-12-07 In Person Visit Bible Study W.E.S Bible Study/ Building Healthy Relationships
108273 2023-11-30 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended Bible Study.
108273 2023-11-16 In Person Visit Bible Study W.E.S Bible Study
108273 2023-11-09 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2023-11-02 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2023-10-26 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended on 10/26/23.
108273 2023-10-20 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S on 10/19/23.
108273 2023-09-28 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2023-09-21 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2023-05-11 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible study.
108273 2023-05-04 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2023-04-27 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2023-04-20 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2023-04-20 In Person Visit Sharing Day Received food from NCC's Sharing Day.
108273 2023-04-18 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended Bible Study on 4/13/23.
108273 2023-03-30 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study on 3/23/23.
108273 2023-03-28 In Person Visit Visitation Came to the center to make copies.
108273 2023-03-06 In Person Visit Sharing Day Attended sharing day on 3/2/23.
108273 2023-03-02 In Person Visit Bible Study asttended om 3/2/22
108273 2023-02-23 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended Bible Study on 2/23/23.
108273 2023-02-23 In Person Visit Sharing Day Attended sharing day on 2/23/23.
108273 2023-02-16 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study on 2/16/23.
108273 2023-02-16 In Person Visit Sharing Day Attended sharing day on 2/16/23.
108273 2023-02-10 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible study on 2/9/23.
108273 2023-01-26 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study on 1/26/23.
108273 2022-12-08 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study on 12/8/22.
108273 2022-11-17 In Person Visit Bible Study ATTENDED wes BIBLE STUDY ON 11/17/22
108273 2022-11-17 In Person Visit Bible Study attended WES bible study on 11/17/22
108273 2022-11-10 In Person Visit Bible Study Neighbor attended W.E.S Bible study on 11/10/22.
108273 2022-10-20 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study on 10/20/22.
108273 2022-09-29 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended Bible Study on 9/29/22.
108273 2022-09-23 Walk in Bible Study attended bible study on 9/22
108273 2022-05-13 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible study on 5/12/22.
108273 2022-05-03 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible study on4/28/22.
108273 2022-03-10 In Person Visit Bible Study Attended W.E.S Bible Study.
108273 2021-01-11 In Person Visit Christmas Basket Received a Christmas Basket on Dec 21, 2020