Interaction History
NID Interaction Date Interaction Type Service Type Notes
113745 2025-01-24 In Person Visit Counseling Neighbor updated her (LAS) Life Area Survey on 1/24/25. Neighbor stated that she would like to continue her goal of obtaining employment. Neighbor stated that she has been applying for jobs locally and her school work-study program. However, she states that she need a car for transportation. Neighbor also stated that she has saved $3,200.00 from her school financial aid refund to pay towards purchasing a cash car. Neighbor stated that she currently has a bike to help with transportation for now. Neighbor was given the contact information to Mrs. Linda Webster for Workforce Development. Neighbor identified goal is to obtain employment in order to achieve financial stability. Neighbor will achieve this goal by continuing to update her resume, following up on all applications submitted, make contact with Mrs. Linda Webster to inquire about NCC Workforce Development Incentive-Based Program and attending local career fairs.
113745 2025-01-13 In Person Visit Christmas Basket Received Neighbor received their Christmas Basket on 12/20/24.
113745 2024-12-19 Phone Call Care Call Called neighbor to let them know we will be giving out the Christmas baskets Friday.
113745 2024-12-13 In Person Visit Counseling Neighbor LAS was updated on 11/07/24. Neighbor has been continuing to make some progress towards her goal of obtaining employment. Neighbor stated that she plan on working for FedEX once she has childcare. However, she will ask a family member to provide childcare. Neighbor was also given information on grant funding programs for financial assistance in her major. CM will continue follow-up and monitor her progress.
113745 2024-10-28 In Person Visit Sharing Day Attended client choice day.
113745 2024-10-18 In Person Visit Food Box Received a food box on 10/17/24
113745 2024-10-16 In Person Visit Counseling Neighbor has made some progress towards her goal of obtaining employment. She stated that she has updated her resume, applied to jobs on her school portal and she also stated that she will be attending a career fair at her school on tomorrow 10/17/24. CM will continue follow-up and to monitor her progress.
113745 2024-10-09 Phone Call Care Call Attempt a care call and was unsuccessful. I was informed that I had the wrong number. We will complete a home visit.
113745 2024-09-26 In Person Visit Christmas Basket Came to center to fill out Christmas Basket application.
113745 2024-09-20 In Person Visit Counseling Neighbor updated her (LAS) Life Area Survey on 9/10/24. Neighbor stated that she would like to become financially stable. Neighbor identified goal within the next 90 days is to obtain employment as a first step to becoming financially stable. Neighbor will achieve this goal by updating her resume, creating a job search strategy, applying to her on campus work-study program and attending local career fairs.
113745 2024-09-20 Phone Call Care Call Attempt a care and was unsuccessful. However, a message was left informing neighbor to attend NCC career fair on Tuesday 09/24/24 from 10:00am-1:00pm.
113745 2024-09-11 In Person Visit Counseling Neighbor completed current LAS.
113745 2024-04-29 Phone Call Care Call Attempt a care call to complete neighbor LAS and was unsuccessful. A voicemail was left for neighbor to return the call to update her LAS.
113745 2024-03-27 Phone Call Care Call Attempt a care call but was unsuccessful. A voicemail was left inviting her family to join NCC for Easter fun day on March 29, 2024 at 11:00am and to return the call.
113745 2023-12-22 In Person Visit Christmas Basket Received Received Christmas Basket on 12/15/23.
113745 2023-11-07 In Person Visit Counseling Went and knocked on Ms. Cherry's door and she did not answer I will try again tomorrow.
113745 2023-03-15 In Person Visit Visitation Came to the center on 3/6/23 to fill out her monthly LAS.
113745 2023-03-06 In Person Visit Visitation came in to fill out an LAS
113745 2023-02-27 Phone Call Care Call recieved care call on 2/27/22. Stated that she has found employment
113745 2022-12-22 In Person Visit Christmas Basket recieved on 12/16/22
113745 2022-10-26 In Person Visit Jr. T.R.U.T.H. Seekers Ms. Cherry helped us with Primary truthseekers. She made sure they were all seated and listening to Mrs. Susie. She was very helpful.