Interaction History
NID Interaction Date Interaction Type Service Type Notes
114441 2024-11-14 In Person Visit Care Call 11/ 1/24 Neighbor participated in Sharing Day. 11/1/24 Neighbor received prayer from Ms. Hattie during the Hour of Prayer event.
114441 2024-11-14 In Person Visit Sharing Day 11/ 1/24 Neighbor participated in Sharing Day. 11/1/24 Neighbor received prayer from Ms. Hattie during the Hour of Prayer event.
114441 2024-11-13 In Person Visit Care Call 11/13/24 Neighbor called me from the bus stop. She said she had missed the bus to an employment training appointment. She said she was going to wait on the next bus. I told her that was a good idea.
114441 2024-11-13 In Person Visit Care Call 11/13/24 Neighbor called back asking me to verify some information for her as a collateral contact. I told her it would be best for her to contact the rental office for verification of her address and family size.
114441 2024-11-12 In Person Visit Care Call 11/01/24 Information given to Neighbor regarding employment. 11/01/24 Food box Received by Neighbbor 11/01/24 Discussed child's school attendance
114441 2024-11-12 In Person Visit Food Box 11/01/24 Information given to Neighbor regarding employment. 11/01/24 Food box Received by Neighbbor 11/01/24 Discussed child's school attendance
114441 2024-11-12 In Person Visit Counseling 11/12/24 LAS Completed.
114441 2024-11-07 In Person Visit Care Call 10/04/24 Neighbor came to the center to fill out a Christmas Basket Application. 10/04/24 Invited Neighbor to attend NCC programs.
114441 2024-11-07 In Person Visit Christmas Basket 10/04/24 Neighbor came to the center to fill out a Christmas Basket Application. 10/04/24 Invited Neighbor to attend NCC programs.
114441 2024-10-29 In Person Visit Care Call 10/28/24 Referred to NCC Workforce Development.
114441 2024-10-29 In Person Visit Care Call 10/29/24 Received Bus Ticket to attend Workforce Development Classes.
114441 2024-10-17 In Person Visit Care Call 10/4/24 Received food and clothing on Sharing Day. 10/4/24 Invited to other NCC Adult Programs
114441 2024-10-17 In Person Visit Sharing Day 10/4/24 Received food and clothing on Sharing Day. 10/4/24 Invited to other NCC Adult Programs
114441 2024-09-18 In Person Visit Food Box 09/16/2024 Received Food Box
114441 2024-08-29 In Person Visit Care Call 08/29/2024 received children items, discussed GROWW program and reminded her to sign up child for fall program. Prayed for her, Jared and family.
114441 2024-08-29 In Person Visit Counseling 08/29/2024 received children items, discussed GROWW program and reminded her to sign up child for fall program. Prayed for her, Jared and family.
114441 2024-08-28 In Person Visit Care Call 08/28/2024 Referred to Growth program, received some clothes from sharing day. Spoke with Ms. Brown about child school attendance and progress, gave information about summer programs and referred to North Center for food box
114441 2024-08-28 In Person Visit Sharing Day 08/28/2024 Referred to Growth program, received some clothes from sharing day. Spoke with Ms. Brown about child school attendance and progress, gave information about summer programs and referred to North Center for food box
114441 2024-07-19 Phone Call Care Call 07/17/24 Invited Neighbor to C&A play along with Zion(son).
114441 2024-07-19 In Person Visit Counseling 07/18/24 Neighbor came by with son to pick up YMCA lunches. Unable to attend C&A event yesterday due to a personal issue.
114441 2024-07-19 In Person Visit Food Box 07/2/24 Food Box received
114441 2024-07-02 In Person Visit Food Box 7/2/24 Neighbor requested and received box.
114441 2024-06-07 In Person Visit Counseling 05/30/24 Neighbor stopped by for snacks.
114441 2024-05-22 In Person Visit Counseling 05/10/24 Neighbor came by to borrow chair. Neighbor reports she is still seeking employment.
114441 2024-05-17 In Person Visit Sharing Day 05/17/24 NEIGHBOR RECEIVED POP UP SHARING DAY ITEMS O5/17/24 Neighbor reports she went to Perkins(park location) and applied for a job yesterday. She said they job that was available at Goodwill was too far away. I encouraged her to follow up with the manager regarding her application. Signed up son for Learning with Lunch.
114441 2024-05-17 In Person Visit Care Call 05/17/24 NEIGHBOR RECEIVED POP UP SHARING DAY ITEMS O5/17/24 Neighbor reports she went to Perkins(park location) and applied for a job yesterday. She said they job that was available at Goodwill was too far away. I encouraged her to follow up with the manager regarding her application. Signed up son for Learning with Lunch.
114441 2024-05-13 In Person Visit Counseling 05/10./24 Neighbor received prayer from Mr.Arthur and Job Leads.
114441 2024-05-13 In Person Visit Care Call 05/10./24 Neighbor received prayer from Mr.Arthur and Job Leads.
114441 2024-05-07 In Person Visit Food Box 05/03/2024 Received Food Box
114441 2024-04-25 In Person Visit Care Call 04/16/24 LAS completed. Neighbor is continuing to seek employment. Referred to Work Force Development Program.
114441 2024-04-19 In Person Visit Counseling 04/16/2024 counseling
114441 2024-03-26 In Person Visit Sharing Day 03/25/2024 Received food items on share day
114441 2024-03-26 In Person Visit Counseling 03/25/2024 spoke with Mr. Arthur regarding family/job situation
114441 2024-03-26 In Person Visit Counseling 03/21/2024 came by talked about job situation
114441 2024-03-06 In Person Visit Bible Study 02/14/2024 Attended Bible Study
114441 2024-02-27 In Person Visit Sharing Day 02/26/2024 Sharing Day
114441 2024-02-27 In Person Visit Visitation 02/26/2024 Home Visitation to come to NCC program
114441 2024-02-20 In Person Visit Counseling 02/15/2024 Received YMCA lunches with kids
114441 2024-02-06 In Person Visit Counseling 02/02/2024 came in to ask about pop up for Memphis Allies
114441 2024-02-06 In Person Visit Counseling 02/02/2024 came in to ask about information to get a free phone
114441 2024-02-01 In Person Visit Counseling 2/1/24 Neighbor stopped by to sign up and create a profile for the virtual job fair. I was working with a new neighbor so I asked Ms. Brown to return.
114441 2024-02-01 In Person Visit Counseling 02/01/24 Neighbor completed QR code to Workforce Development.
114441 2024-01-31 In Person Visit Counseling 01/30/2024 spoke with Ms. Brown regarding employment and the transportation concerns.
114441 2024-01-30 In Person Visit Counseling 01/25/2024 received snacks for children
114441 2024-01-30 In Person Visit Counseling 01/29/2024 received counseling with Mr. Arthur
114441 2024-01-30 In Person Visit Sharing Day 01/29/24 Neighbor received frozen food, can food and snacks during sharing day. Neighbor was also invited to participate in other NCC programs.
114441 2024-01-11 In Person Visit Christmas Basket Received 12/18/23 Christmas box Received
114441 2024-01-11 In Person Visit Counseling 12/06/2023 Completed LAS
114441 2024-01-11 In Person Visit Sharing Day 11/19/2023 received produce
114441 2023-12-12 In Person Visit Counseling 12/06/2023 Received Food Box
114441 2023-11-10 In Person Visit Sharing Day 11/06/2023 Participated in Sharing Day
114441 2023-10-13 In Person Visit Counseling 10/9/23 Neighbor stopped by to request help with developing a resume. I told her I could not help her at the time because we were outside in program with the children. I did refer her to the American Job Center and asked her to stop by tomorrow morning. She agreed to come by . She reached out to the AJC and got information from them also. She said a family member told her to bring her resume to the VA hospital for a manager to review. Also she said she was going to apply for a job at Olive Garden.
114441 2023-05-25 In Person Visit Visitation 5/25/2023 Visited Brown to discuss summer camp and NCC programs. She signed Parent permission slips and invited to center.
114441 2023-02-14 In Person Visit Sharing Day 14Feb23 Aleana participated in Sharing Day
114441 2023-02-07 In Person Visit Counseling 07Feb23 Aleana returned her LAS
114441 2023-02-07 In Person Visit Youth Lunch 07Feb23 Aleana returned her LAS
114441 2023-02-06 In Person Visit Counseling 06Jan23 Aleana was in office for her LAS, we discussed her dream. She once again is in need of employment and ststed she wanted to work for Amazon or retail. I suggested our 101 and told her about the job readiness, resume, finance literacy and of course the stiped. This would better prepare her for employment.
114441 2023-01-30 In Person Visit Counseling 30Jan23 Aleana is a new neighbor. She can in to inquire about our services. She is 22 with a 6 year old son. She will need assistance with a job and would like to return to school.
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